New posts in civilization-6

Is there a Warmoger penalty for capturing Free Cities?

Can I earn achievements in Civilisation 6 with changed settings?

Your promise to the French empire to stop converting cities has been broken

I have no religion, I'm beating a civ about to get a religious victory in combat - how am I able to hamper their religion?

Can I plant and chop forest multiple times for production in Civilization 6?

Does Rejecting an offer of a peace treaty influence warmongering penalties?

i'm not getting the correct amount of income in civilization 6

How do you check your units current experience in Civ 6?

Friendship has expired. No option to renew

What are the adjacency bonuses for building districts next to each other - and to the city?

Can you add housing by working tiles more than 3 tiles from your city center?

Civilization 6 - Relics - what happen when you run out of Relic slots?

Harvesting Resources in Civ6

How do you get another civilization help you in a war after you are attacked?

Civ 6 Map editor

What are the effects of discovering a natural wonder?

Can you retaliate in any way when a civ breaks its promise?

How to enable the console on Mac OS X?

Civ6 cannot combine units into corp

What's the formula for District production cost?