New posts in caps-lock

Does CapsLock to Escape remapping in System Preference work?

Caps to Shift Lock

Disable caps lock key [duplicate]

Caps Lock button's green light not working after Mojave update

How can I make Caps Lock work with Hebrew like it did prior to Sierra and without Ukulele?

Using CapsLock to switch between ABC and custom keyboard layout

How to get screen to display a notification or indicator when Caps Lock is turned on or toggled?

iPad virtual keyboard text entry: Way to type multiple capital letters without having to press SHIFT before each letter?

Apple Extended Keyboard 2 - Caps lock key doesn't work in macOS High Sierra?

Can't swap Caps Lock and Esc keys using Seil

How to turn on caps lock with hyper key set up?

Toggle caps lock programmatically using applescript

Keyboard freezes after pressing caps lock

How can I disable the caps lock key?

Use caps-lock to lock fn key or other way to lock fn key?

How can I make Caps Lock work like it did prior to Sierra?

Using caps lock key instead of right click (contextual menu)

Can I type in inverse case, lIKE tHIS, with caps lock on?

How can I set caps lock to a more complex keystroke?