New posts in capitalization

Should a note be addressed with "Hi all" or "Hi All"?

When should titles like "captain" or "admiral" be capitalized?

Proper capitalization of commonly used acronyms and initialisms

Are chemical element names capitalized?

Does the word after a question mark start with a capital letter? [duplicate]

Should the words "internet" and "web" be capitalized?

Should “Hell” be capitalized?

Capitalization of the word universe

"Thanks and Regards" vs. "Thanks and regards"

Capitalization of explanation of abbreviations

Capitalising a sentence whose first word is explicitly lowercase [duplicate]

Are "white" and "black" ever capitalized when referring to people?

Should you capitalize run-in sentence? [duplicate]

Are capital letters used for terms of endearment like "Honey" and "Sweetheart"?

Should proper nouns used as verbs be capitalized? [duplicate]

WhAt iS tHiS kINd oF caPiTaLiSAtIOn cAlLeD? - random capitalisation or intermittent capitalisation

How to capitalize the first character of each word in a string

Should I change the structure of a sentence/add filler words to make sure that the sentence always starts with a capital letter?

Why we capitalize all race names but our own

Capitalization of App