New posts in boto

create an ec2 instance with multiple key pairs

Using boto to invoke lambda functions how do I do so asynchronously?

upload a directory to s3 with boto

Is it possible to save datetime to DynamoDB?

DynamoDB : The provided key element does not match the schema

Move files between two AWS S3 buckets using boto3

Upload image available at public URL to S3 using boto

Difference between s3cmd, boto and AWS CLI

Why are no Amazon S3 authentication handlers ready?

How do I install boto?

How to get the region of the current user from boto?

Recommended way to manage credentials with multiple AWS accounts?

Using Amazon s3 boto library, how can I get the URL of a saved key?

Python boto, list contents of specific dir in bucket

AWS: Boto3: AssumeRole example which includes role usage

boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden

Disable boto logging without modifying the boto files

How do I get the file / key size in boto S3?

Can I use boto3 anonymously?

Is it better to have multiple s3 buckets or one bucket with sub folders?