Why are no Amazon S3 authentication handlers ready?

Solution 1:

Boto will take your credentials from the environment variables. I've tested this with V2.0b3 and it works fine. It will give precedence to credentials specified explicitly in the constructor, but it will pick up credentials from the environment variables too.

The simplest way to do this is to put your credentials into a text file, and specify the location of that file in the environment.

For example (on Windows: I expect it will work just the same on Linux but I have not personally tried that)

Create a file called "mycred.txt" and put it into C:\temp This file contains two lines:

AWSAccessKeyId=<your access id>
AWSSecretKey=<your secret key>

Define the environment variable AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE to point at C:\temp\mycred.txt

C:\>SET AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE=C:\temp\mycred.txt

Now your code fragment above:

import boto
conn = boto.connect_s3()

will work fine.

Solution 2:

I'm a newbie to both python and boto but was able to reproduce your error (or at least the last line of your error.)

You are most likely failing to export your variables in bash. if you just define then, they're only valid in the current shell, export them and python inherits the value. Thus:


will not work unless you also add:


Or you can do it all on the same line:


Likewise for the other value. You can also put this in your .bashrc (assuming bash is your shell and assuming you remember to export)

Solution 3:

I just ran into this problem while using Linux and SES, and I hope it may help others with a similar issue. I had installed awscli and configured my keys doing:

sudo apt-get install awscli
aws configure

This is used to setup your credentials in ~/.aws/config just like @huythang said. But boto looks for your credentials in ~/.aws/credentials so copy them over

cp ~/.aws/config ~/.aws/credentials

Assuming an appropriate policy is setup for your user with those credentials - you shouldn't need to set any environment variables.