New posts in bigdecimal

Java's Bigdecimal.divide and rounding

BigDecimal 2.0 is coming equal to BigDecimal 2.00 [duplicate]

How to get biggest BigDecimal value

BigDecimal from Double incorrect value?

BigDecimal summary statistics

Why does new BigDecimal("0.0").stripTrailingZeros() have a scale of 1?

Which rounding mode to be used for currency manipulation in java?

How to convert from float to bigDecimal in java?

Change DecimalFormat locale

Rounding necessary with BigDecimal numbers

How to round 0.745 to 0.75 using BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP?

Convert Java Number to BigDecimal : best way

Set specific precision of a BigDecimal

ArithmeticException thrown during BigDecimal.divide

How can I divide properly using BigDecimal

What is the equivalent of the Java BigDecimal class in C#?

Java BigDecimal precision problems

Raising a decimal to a power of decimal?

Java:Why should we use BigDecimal instead of Double in the real world? [duplicate]

BigDecimal multiply by zero