ArithmeticException thrown during BigDecimal.divide

If this is not the right answer, what CAN we use for exact division in financial calculation? (I mean, I don't have a finance major, but they still use division, right???).

Then I was in primary school1, they taught me that when you divide by 1 by 3 you get a 0.33333... i.e. a recurring decimal. Division of numbers represented in decimal form is NOT exact. In fact for any fixed base there will be fractions (the result of dividing one integer by another) that cannot be represented exactly as a finite precision floating point number in that base. (The number will have a recurring part ...)

When you do financial calculations involving division, you have to consider the what to do with a recurring fraction. You can round it up, or down, or to the nearest whole number, or something else, but basically you cannot just forget about the issue.

The BigDecimal javadoc says this:

The BigDecimal class gives its user complete control over rounding behavior. If no rounding mode is specified and the exact result cannot be represented, an exception is thrown; otherwise, calculations can be carried out to a chosen precision and rounding mode by supplying an appropriate MathContext object to the operation.

In other words, it is your responsibility to tell BigDecimal what to do about rounding.

EDIT - in response to these followups from the OP.

How does BigDecimal detect infinite recurring decimal?

It does not explicitly detect the recurring decimal. It simply detects that the result of some operation cannot be represented exactly using the specified precision; e.g. too many digits are required after the decimal point for an exact representation.

It must keep track of and detect a cycle in the dividend. It COULD HAVE chosen to handle this another way, by marking where the recurring portion is, etc.

I suppose that BigDecimal could have been specified to represent a recurring decimal exactly; i.e. as a BigRational class. However, this would make the implementation more complicated and more expensive to use2. And since most people expect numbers to be displayed in decimal, and the problem of recurring decimal recurs at that point.

The bottom line is that this extra complexity and runtime cost would be inappropriate for typical use-cases for BigDecimal. This includes financial calculations, where accounting conventions do not allow you to use recurring decimals.

1 - It was an excellent primary school ...

2 - Either you try to remove common factors of the divisor and dividend (computationally expensive), or allow them to grow without bounds (expensive in space usage ... and computationally for later operations).

The class is BigDecimal not BigFractional. From some of your comments it sounds like you just want to complain that someone didn't build in all possible number handling algorithms into this class. Financial apps do not need infinite decimal precision; just perfectly accurate values to the precision required (typically 0, 2, 4, or 5 decimal digits).

Actually I have dealt with many financial applications that use double. I don't like it but that was the way they are written (not in Java either). When there are exchange rates and unit conversions then there are both the potential of rounding and bruising problems. BigDecimal eliminates the later but there is still the former for division.

If you want to work with decimals, not rational numbers, and you need exact arithmetics before the final rounding (rounding to cents or something), here's a little trick.

You can always manipulate your formulas so that there's only one final division. That way you won't lose precision during calculations and you'll always get the correctly rounded result. For instance

a/b + c


(a + bc) / b.

By the way, I'd really appreciate insight from people who've worked with financial software. I often heard BigDecimal being advocated over double

In financial reports we use alwasy BigDecimal with scale = 2 and ROUND_HALF_UP, since all printed values in a report must be lead to a reproducable result. If someone checks this using a simple calculator.

In switzerland they round to 0.05 since they no longer have 1 or 2 Rappen coins.

You should prefer BigDecimal for finance calculations. Rounding should be specified by the business. E.g. an amount (100,00$) has to be split equally across three accounts. There has to be a business rule which account takes the extra cent.

Double, floats are not approriate for use in financial applications because they can not represent fractions of 1 precisely that are not exponentials of 2. E.g. consider 0.6 = 6/10 = 1*1/2 + 0*1/4 + 0*1/8 + 1*1/16 + ... = 0.1001...b

For mathematic calculations you can use a symbolic number, e.g. storing denominator and numerator or even a whole expression (e.g. this number is sqrt(5)+3/4). As this is not the main use case of the java api you won' find it there.