New posts in big-list

Known exact values of the $\operatorname{Li}_3$ function

"All math is useful eventually"

Textbooks, lecture notes, and articles from arXiv for undergraduate students

Has the Riemann Rearrangement Theorem ever helped in computation rather than just being a warning?

High school mathematical research

Theorems that give sufficient condition for a $C^{\infty}$ function to be analytic

Mathematical disciplines with high thresholds

Supplemental number theory text to Montgomery and Vaughan

List of explicit enumerations of rational numbers [closed]

Relations between definite integrals not having a known closed form

categorical generalizations of familiar objects

I need help finding a rigorous precalculus textbook

What are statements about the natural numbers where induction is impossible or unnecessary to prove?

Counterexamples in complex analysis

Color each positive integer with red and blue, whether there must be three numbers $a, b, c$ with same color such that $a^2+b^2 = c^2$? [duplicate]

What would be a good outdoor maths puzzle for children?

Applications of Character Theory

Properties of reflexive Banach spaces

Question for mathematicians who started before the computer era: what constants did you have memorized, in what form, and why?

What are some easy-to-remember prime numbers? [closed]