New posts in batman-arkham-asylum

How to dodge knife attacks?

Arkham Asylum : Final Boss - Quickly Beating Joker's Henchman

Is there any way to change the default camera angle in Batman Arkhum Asylum?

How can I get back into the Pump Room?

In Batman: Arkham Asylum for Windows Live, how do I get back to offline profile?

In Arkham Asylum, are there Riddler informers?

Difference between "Batman: Arkham Asylum" on PS3 and XBox 360

"You must be logged into Steam to play Batman: Arkham Asylum" error message

Where's the entrance to the caves from Arkham West in Batman: Arkham Asylum?

Does blocking/countering do damage in Arkham Asylum?

How to get onto a duct in Batman Arkham Asylum from the flooded corridor [closed]

What is the remote-control batarang for?

How do I remove introduction movies in games based on the Unreal Engine 3?

In Batman Arkham Asylum, does the game continue after the story is finished?

Is your appearance as the game progresses linked to your performance?

How to execute perfectly timed attacks in Arkham Asylum?

What are the different endings available in Batman: Arkham Asylum

Where in Arkham Asylum are the plans for Arkham City?

What are all of Batman's combat moves in Batman: Arkham Asylum?

In Batman: Arkham Asylum, who is the prisoner in the room where Warden Sharpe is caged?