What is the remote-control batarang for?

What is the remote control batarang good for in Batman Arkham asylum?

I have so far not been able to find a use for it.

Solution 1:

It's good for taking out distant enemies - snipers are the best example. Also, the remote batarang doesn't stop when colliding with enemies, only with walls and such; so with a little practice it's possible to steer it so that you could bring down multiple enemies in one throw.

Notice that enemies aware of the batarang will try to evade it.

Solution 2:

  • Hit enemies around the corner
  • Knock down enemies that are hard to reach
  • The batarang will also give you some info about the enemies within a room since the camera will follow the item

Personally I've used it in stealth situations when it was best to not cause a racket.