New posts in bash

Grep string with special character on remote server using ssh

How to add a bash script to a cron job?

Not evaluating an expression when using cat

Permission denied when trying to append a file to a root owned file with sudo [closed]

How do I change the date in Google Cloud Container-Optimized OS?

bash, set variable from script to memory

Wget like utility to download all images in directory

Simple Zenity script - to select icon?

lower-case 'c' key not working in bash

Print the second or nth match of a sed search which is based in between two patterns

syntax error: unexpected end of file .bash_profile

How do I change the order in which grep looks at files/prints results?

Open files in existing Gvim in multiple (new) tabs

Copy shell script output to clipboard

How to get time since file was last modified in seconds with bash?

How to empty the contents of continuosly streaming file in linux

Can't assign to PS1 on OS X bash

Remove all special characters and case from string in bash

How to bulk rename files and remove additional characters after extension in linux

Scripts for computing the average of a list of numbers in a data file