New posts in automator

Launch Dictation With Applescript

Execute Shell Scrip individually for each selected file in Finder

Change keyboard whenever iTerm is selected

apply a terminal conversion command to each file in a folder

How can I add shells to the list in Run Shell Script in the Automator?

Can I extract the body of an email message using Automator without an AppleScript?

Selecting files for input Safari applescript

Watch Me Do or other method for exact pixel coordinate of mouse click (Automator)

How can I automate pasting of password into SecurityAgent?

Bash script not working on Automator but working from terminal

How to remove metadata from image files using AppleScript?

Keyboard shortcut for Service in OS X doesn't work

How to "require an answer" in a dialog in AppleScript?

Can Automator pass multiple lines (e.g. from a shell script) to the New Mail Message action?

MacOS Automator: Save new text file in current folder

Applescript to open all files in a folder and convert to PDF with Preview

AppleScript: Failure to create new iTerm2

Pass parameters upon invocation of Applescript

How do I save a text file using a variable using the "New Text File" action in Automator?

How to record and replay mouse activity on automator in the background?