How to "require an answer" in a dialog in AppleScript?
If one inserts an "Ask for Text" action into their workflow in Automator, they will be presented with the option to "Require an answer" of the user:
If the user fails to provide an answer, the user cannot press the "OK" button. The computer will beep at the user if the "OK" button is pressed while the answer field is empty.
Is there a way to replicate this exact behavior in AppleScript?
Yes, it can be accomplished like this:
set myAnswer to the text returned of (display dialog "Your question goes here." default answer "")
if myAnswer is "" then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
Please let me know if this works for you.
Second version that tells the user what the error is:
set myAnswer to the text returned of (display dialog "Your question goes here." default answer "")
if myAnswer is "" then
display alert "Please enter your answer to continue."
exit repeat
end if
end repeat