New posts in automation

Start services.msc attached to remote computer

Entering local admin username and password in a script

Interact with other programs using Python

Is it possible to script what applications should open certain file extensions?

Fade in/out PNG watermark overlay on video

Sync directories without too much overhead

Automating telnet session using bash scripts

Is there a standard way to update instance template in instance group?

How can I toggle internet sharing from the command line? [duplicate]

App that allows to paste text snippets in any applicaton?

What are the best ways to automate a GDB debugging session?

Turning Off Wi-Fi During Logout Script Doesn't Work With Launchd

Create script to disallow using Mac at night?

Change default app for many file types [duplicate]

Is it possible to create a generalized configuration file for installing Windows features using PowerShell?

Avoid logging in /var/log/syslog only using /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/

Automate removing the last page of a bunch of PDFs

How can I disable a scheduled task using Powershell?

Is there a way to add a login item in the terminal without triggering a permission dialog on macOS 10.14 and above?

How to get Thunderbird to archive messages automatically