New posts in arithmetic

Is calculation a part or just a result of Mathematics?

Detecting that a fraction is a repeating decimal

Why is the math for negative exponents so?

$ \sqrt{2-\sqrt{2}} $ simplified

Proof that $n^3 + 3n^2 + 2n$ is a multiple of $3$.

Is $1 : 7 = 1 / 8$ or is it $1/7$?

Mathematical Limerick [closed]

Proving congruence mod m/n [duplicate]

How many powers of 2 are easy to double? [duplicate]

Come up with some fun "equation Limericks"

What is the value of $142,857 \times 7^2$?

How to divide one number in $\textbf Q(\zeta_8)$ by another?

Find $P + Q + R$

How to divide using addition or subtraction

Is the infinite root of any number equal to $1$?

What is the name of the number that is being added to another number?

How can I prove that $2^{\sqrt 7}$ is bigger than $5$?

Is there a simple proof for ${\small 2}\frac{n}{3}$ is not an integer when $\frac{n}{3}$ is not an integer?

What is mathematical basis for the percent symbol (%)?

Are there non-equivalent cardinal arithmetics?