New posts in archiving

How can I archive a 30 GB file?

Put tar'd files in a subdirectory

Video encoding for archival

Why do some (but not all) zip-Files greater than ~3.7GB fail to extract

How to get 100% identical compressed files, for source files that only differ in creation date?

Windows in-built compression command without utilizing any external tools

Creating an OS X PKG file on Linux?

What makes a tar archive seekable?

7zip Add Operation Not Supported?

How to rollback a specific directory in ZFS snapshot?

Howto unzip ".xz" file with 7z and lzma

Recommend archiver software on OSX [duplicate]

Retention Time for Flash Memory

Which archive file formats provide recovery protection against file corruption?

Explaining performance irregularities when unpacking .tar.gz archives

Tar and gzip together, but the other way round?

Whatever happened to compressed read/write filesystems?

How can I add an option in the context menu in Windows Explorer to split files by 15 GB chunks?

How can I automatically remove files after they've been archived?

Three formats? Why?