Creating an OS X PKG file on Linux?

I have Debian / Ubuntu / Xubuntu. I'm trying to distribute and run a Python file with the least number of clicks for the end user. How do I create a PKG file for Mac OS X on Linux?


I think I may have ended up using a rar or a zip file, which has contents that can be ran somewhat like a DMG can be.

Solution 1:

Some multiplatform installers I know of are :

IzPack is a an open source software installer generator. As it uses Java you need the JRE on the target platform.

The free InstallJammer is :

a multiplatform GUI installer and builder designed to be completely cross-platform and function on Windows and most all versions of UNIX with eventual support for Mac OS X.

You could contact the developer, as he is very responsive.

InstallAnywhere is a commercial multiplatform installer. Its Standard Edition is priced at $1,999.

BitRock's InstallBuilder (don't look at the price tag) also claims :

Generate installers for all target platforms from a single project file. Create all your installers from a single build environment!

JExpress is another one at only $849.

The only one from the above that I have used is InstallJammer, which I really recommend. If OS X is already available in beta, don't hesitate to try it, as the developer corrects bugs at a very fast pace.