New posts in application-development

Where is the documentation for programming OpenGL ES for Ubuntu Touch?

How do I package my application for the Ubuntu Software Centre?

How to create a custom splash screen for a program?

Getting Quickly to use Gvim instead of Gedit

Can I run bash commands from an Ubuntu HTML5 App?

How to add Qt5 to Qt Creator?

What is the equivalent to Android Intent and BroadcastReceiver?

How to deploy an Ubuntu touch application for other GNU/Linux distributions?

Why the Ubuntu App Developer website is not showing content about development for desktop?

ubuntu sdk has no c++ examples

Is it possible to alter and update the status icon of a running indicator applet?

Can apps created using Quickly for Ubuntu be used in other linux distros?

Only show a menu under Unity

Write application indicator with no icon

Are Qt Quick Controls available on Ubuntu 13.10?

How can I make Chromium app windows count as "their own application" in the Unity launcher?

What is the payout date for commercial applications?

Are there any standard UI / UX / design principles or guidelines for building Ubuntu apps?

How do I create a working indicator with Qt/C++?

How can I create a simple debian package from binary?