New posts in angular-ui

<select> placeholder with angular/bootstrap not working

How to see what states are configured in AngularJS / UI-Router?

angular ui-router: get $state info of toState in resolve

Which one to use, AngularUI Bootstrap or AngularStrap? [closed]

angularjs text area character counter

Angular UI DatePicker adjusting for timezone

Angular-UI typeahead: show label but bind to value only

How can I use HTTPS in AngularJS?

Cannot get textarea value in angularjs

Is there a way to automatically close Angular UI Bootstrap modal when route changes?

ui-router resolve with dynamic parameters

Angular ui bootstrap directive template missing

angularjs ui-router - how to build master state which is global across app

Angular ui-router: ui-views vs directives?

AngularJS. Clear $timeout when invoking angular-ui modal

Check if a input box is empty

Angular ui-router scroll to top, not to ui-view

Angular UI-Router more Optional Parameters in one State

How to detect browser using angularjs?