New posts in angular-ui

angular js: Prevent Bootstrap Modal from disappearing when clicking outside or pressing escape?

Authentication in Ionic/Cordova App

Handle open/collapse events of Accordion in Angular

UI-router interfers with $httpbackend unit test, angular js

How to extract query parameters with ui-router for AngularJS?

angularjs share data config between controllers

Scope issue in AngularJS using AngularUI Bootstrap Modal

Responsive dropdown navbar with angular-ui bootstrap (done in the correct angular kind of way)

How to tie angular-ui's typeahead with a server via $http for server side optimization?

Directing the user to a child state when they are transitioning to its parent state using UI-Router

How to integrate AngularUI to AngularJS?

Dynamically set the value of ui-sref Angularjs

Angularjs $state open link in new tab

What is the difference between "dismiss" a modal and "close" a modal in Angular UI-Bootstrap?

How to detect current state within directive

Can you override specific templates in AngularUI Bootstrap?

How do I prevent angular-ui modal from closing?

Angular js - route-ui add default parmeter

angular ui-bootstrap typeahead callback on selectMatch?

Otherwise on StateProvider