New posts in amazon-linux

Where should init scripts be placed in Amazon Linux 2?

Proxy settings at/prior to cloud-init runtime

Can't install amazon-linux-extras pm AWS EC2 Amazon Linux AMI instance

install msmtp amazon linux

LibSSH authentication bypass

looking for a way to get certbot running on Amazon Linux 2

Can't install Mysql on Linux -- Mysql website failing?

How to install samba-tool on Amazon Linux

Intermittent "Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address" on port 80

Setting up sftp on Amazon Linux 2 with ssh keys, user segregation (sftp vs ssh), different ports, and user directory constraints

Install certbot nginx in Amazon Linux AMI

Can I install a recent gcc from binaries on Amazon Linux?

How to enable systemd on Amazon Linux AMI

Slave replication stops with Last_SQL_Errno: 1032

Installing Postgres server 9.6 on Amazon Linux

Error getting the correct Python3 dependency

Supervisor setup on AWS AMI Linux

Amazon Linux: apt-get: command not found

PHP-FPM does not automatically start after reboot

SFTP suddenly failing for chroot accounts on Amazon Linux