New posts in alias

How to set a command alias that will be respected in a shebang

How do I create alias for AWS or create SSH config file for connecting Amazon using SSH?

Space in doskey/alias for windows?

How can i get the total of the 2 rows that i subtract?

Create an alias that takes a file name as a paremeter, removes the extension of the parameter and creates a new extension [duplicate]

alias not working as expected [closed]

How do I create a symbolic link in Mac OSX?

Finder treating symbolic links differently than terminal MacBook Pro Retina OS X 10.9.4

Trying to get a Symlink but it turns to be an Alias

Set parameters for Ubuntu's alias

What is the correct way to create alias to snap package in Ubuntu 16.04?

Turn Bluetooth On & Off via Terminal [duplicate]

How to create aliases without installing SQL Server 2005 Client Tools

Silencing bash's unalias when there's nothing to unalias

Can't get expand_aliases to take effect

trying to run FSF emacs in character based mode ( -nw ) on Catalina

nginx alias with location regex get wrong file name

Console 2 command aliases

Why don't my aliases in .bashrc work?

PostgreSQL does not accept column alias in WHERE clause