New posts in algebraic-topology

When does variété mean manifold?

Does May's version of groupoid Seifert-van Kampen need path connectivity as a hypothesis?

Prove that constant 1-simplex is a 1-boundary

Do finite products commute with colimits in the category of spaces?

Decomposing the sphere as a product

Why is the winding number homotopy invariant?

Fast paced book in point-set topology to move on to algebraic topology

Is there a map from the torus to the genus 2 surface which is injective on homology?

Fundamental groups of Grassmann and Stiefel manifolds

Topological Meaning of semi-direct product

De Rham Cohomology of a Lie group

Can one prove that the fundamental group of the circle is $\mathbb Z$ without using covering spaces?

Algebraic topology for non-nice spaces

Laymans explanation of the relation between QFT and knot theory

Path lifting theorem

Are there any simply connected parallelizable 4-manifolds?

What's the point of spectra?

Homology of Möbius Strip

Fundamental group of complement of $n$ lines through the origin in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Definition of zeroth homology