New posts in algebraic-geometry

Normal bundle to complete intersection in $\mathbb{P}^n$

Is there a plane algebraic curve with just 3-fold rotational symmetry, but without reflection symmetry?

Total space of a finite rank locally free sheaf, Vakil's 17.1.4 & 17.1.G

The rank of Jacobian matrix at a point of affine variety is independent of choice of generators

Map between Zariski tangent spaces(?)

Is locally free sheaf of finite rank coherent?

Quasi-separatedness is affine-local?

What does it mean for a sequence of sheaves to be exact

Kummer sequence etale topology

what is the simplest example of an etale cover which is not Galois?

On a certain morphism of schemes from affine space to projective space.

Reference request: Vector bundles and line bundles etc.

A known closed form for Borchardt mean (generalization of AGM) - why doesn't it work?

Number of points at which a tangent touches a curve

What is a Kählerian variety?

Hom between 2 schemes

Example of contractible open manifold that is not $\mathbb{R}^n$ - varieties?

How much algebraic geometry is there in complex geometry (for example, Demailly)?

How do we construct the cotangent space?

Does the degree of a projective curve depend on the embedding into projective space?