New posts in algebraic-curves

Can a discrete valuation ring be finitely generated over a field?

Good books/expository papers in moduli theory

Reasons for defining sheaves of holomorphic and meromorphic functions on complex manifolds

Link between Riemann surfaces and Galois theory

Doubts about proof of Castelnuovo theorem IV, 6.4 of Hartshorne

Condition for singular points in $F_{\mu} =X^3+Y^3+Z^3+ \mu XYZ$ in $\Bbb{P}^{2}_{\Bbb{C}}$?

When is a Morphism between Curves a Galois Extension of Function Fields

Prove that a set in $\mathbb R^3$ is not an algebraic set

Is a divisor in the hyperplane class necessarily a hyperplane divisor?

Applications of Belyi's theorem

Characterisation of Gorenstein Curve

Proper curves over some field are projective

Why is it so difficult to find beginner books in Algebraic Geometry? [duplicate]

Irreducible components of the variety $V(X^2+Y^2-1,X^2-Z^2-1)\subset \mathbb{C}^3.$

Trefoil knot as an algebraic curve

Geometric interpretation and computation of the Normal bundle

Parametrizing an algebraic curve

Proving that the genus of a nonsingular plane curve is $\frac{(d-1)(d-2)}{2}$

Why can a trigonal genus 5 curve be represented as a plane quintic with a node?

Geometric interpretation of ramification of prime ideals.