New posts in alfred

Alfred keeps asking for Contacts permission

Alfred extension or equivalent that brings a single window to the forefront

How to switch from Spotlight to Alfred via Terminal?

In AppleScript or JavaScript how can you click menu item?

Cleaning iTunes Artwork Cache, Please Wait

always launch new window from spotlight

How do I check all boxes in Alfred Snippets?

Combining Finder's File Open/save dialog with Alfred

How to open a searched file in Finder?

Search LaTeX documentation with Alfred

Open private window in firefox with Alfred?

Alfred and Spotlight don't detect VSCode even though I've it on shortcuts

Applescript: Open current Safari tab in Chrome (Troubleshoot of working script)

How to diagnose Finder losing icons for folders?

Can I extend Alfred with a command-line program to clean up the desktop?

Is there a way to exclude certain apps from showing in the spotlight/alfred results

Time Tracking App with Alfred integration

Aliases in Alfred: Keyword -> Open a specific folder in finder

How to make Alfred switch to currently open Chrome instead of opening a new window?

Applescript - the activate command makes application "half-active"