New posts in activerecord

Create an ActiveRecord database table with no :id column?

ActiveRecord::Base Without Table

Log the actual SQL query using ActiveRecord with Yii2?

ActiveRecord Rails 3 scope vs class method

How to use long id in Rails applications?

Rails Object Relationships and JSON Rendering

How do I get ActiveRecord to show the next id (last + 1) in Ruby on Rails?

Rails belongs_to many models [closed]

Model.reset_column_information does not reload columns in rails migration

How to update all when you need callbacks fired?

dependent => destroy on a "has_many through" association

Rails: Force empty string to NULL in the database

Modifying ActiveRecord models before preventing deletion

How to specify conditions on joined tables in rails

How to get activerecord associations via reflection

rails override default getter for a relationship (belongs_to)

Create seed file from data already in the database

Best way to find a single record using ActiveRecord 3 / Arel?

Creating a PostgreSQL sequence to a field (which is not the ID of the record)

What is the order of ActiveRecord callbacks and validations?