New posts in acronyms

Why is the plural acronym "CSS" treated as singular?

How do you pronounce GIF? [duplicate]

Plural form of the acronym LASER

Can a word that sounds the same as the way it is spelt be an initialism and an acronym?

LEDs and the correct pronunciation

When did the use of acronyms begin? [closed]

Correct capitalization for "of" in an acronym definition

Researching the real origin of SNAFU

What does "O.G." stand for?

Can "sitcom" be considered an "acronym"? A Syllabic Acronym? Or a Hybrid Acronym?

Is "personal PCs" regarded as a case of RAS Syndrome? [closed]

Is there a word for the definition of an acronym?

When to spell out or when the acronym itself is sufficient

Who determines the correct way to pronounce an acronym if the creator never specifies (if the acronym can be pronounced in multiple ways)?

Is 'acronymise/ze' a word? Is it used only colloquially, if at all?

Opposite of acronym

What is the correct pronunciation of "AJAX"?

Is there a word for an acronym which spells out one of its component words?

Is it appropriate to use "covid-19"/"covid" rather than "COVID-19"/"COVID"? Or should "Covid" be used? (Capitalization of COVID-19) [duplicate]

What is the commonly accepted pronunciation of FAQ?