New posts in accessibility

Visually impaired people and windows updates

The purpose of using "aria-labelledby" on already labeled input elements?

Google Chrome would like to control this computer using Accessibility

Do POST beep codes also generate a numeric code for a POST test card?

How can I speed up Mouse Keys?

Safari ignoring tabindex

How to Programmatically Enable/Disable Accessibility Service in Android

Can I make the Keyboard Viewer more readable

Speak screen saying "one dollar?"

Does iPhone X support Display Zoom?

Enable access for assistive devices programmatically on 10.9

How do text sizes compare between iPhone X, 8/Plus and SE?

How can I set my mouse to click whenever it stops moving?

How do I enable "mouse trails" in OSX? [duplicate]

iOS turn off Fade-in effects?

Can I disable transitions and animations system-wide?

How to deactivate ALL transitions/fades/motions in iOS 9?

How can I respond in a definitive fashion to an app pestering me about a permission?

What aria label should I use for 'inactive' items in a list that the user can still interact with?

Will there be a performance benefit in the upgrade for iPod touch 5 to iPod touch 6 for the KNFB reader?