Do POST beep codes also generate a numeric code for a POST test card?

Solution 1:

A short search found this UltraX Post Monitoring:

How do I see the generated POST Error Codes? POST codes can be seen as they are being generated by your BIOS with any of Ultra-X's QuickPOST Series P.O.S.T. Card. Simply plug any of the QuickPOST Series cards into your PC's PCI or ISA slot or MicroPOST into your parallel port and watch as the BIOS as the BIOS performs its tests. The QuickPOST Series cards as well as the MicroPOST parallel adapter display HEX digits which consist of alphanumeric characters 0-9 & the letters A-F.

enter image description here

Using Google image search for bios post card display shows many POST cards having numerical displays.

Solution 2:

Plug a LED with a ~330 Ohm resistor attached (note the +/- polarity!) instead of the beeper; it should light up when the beeper goes on.

Note 1: "Beep" is actually a square current alternating between GND (0V) and +5V rail - but since the LED will light up and down a couple of hundreds times a second, visually it will just light up with decreased intensity (as in PWM).

Note 2: Alternatively, since beeper is driven by 0/+5V voltage, you can power a BJT or MOS FET and drive any electronics with it, e.g. firing missile rockets at the moon at every beep; YMMV.
