New posts in abelian-groups

Lang Lemma 6.1 (before Sylow): if $p$ divides order of finite abelian group, then subgroup with $p$ order exists. Why is $x^s\neq1$ guaranteed?

Whence this generalization of linear (in)dependence?

A condition for a subgroup of a finitely generated free abelian group to have finite index

Explanation why an abelian tower admits a cyclic refinement

Finding the order of the automorphism group of the abelian group of order 8.

Abelian group admitting a surjective homomorphism onto an infinite cyclic group

The center of a group is an abelian subgroup

Relation between the index of a group and its center and the order of the commutator

If Cylic subgroup implies abelian implies normal then how A5 is simple group [closed]

Do both versions (invariant and primary) of the Fundamental Theorem for Finitely Generated Abelian Groups hold at the same time?

Why are there $12$ automorphisms of $\Bbb Z\oplus \Bbb Z_{3}$?

Prove every group of order less or equal to five is abelian [closed]

What is a coset?

How to find subgroups of $ \;\;\Bbb Z_2\times \Bbb Z_6$

Quotient of two free abelian groups of the same rank is finite?

Is it true that a dihedral group is nonabelian?

$G$ abelian group with $\vert G\vert =mn$ and $\gcd(m,n)=1$.

Are inverses of groups unique in general?

What does it mean that "the action of $\mathbb{Z}$ on $M$ factors through the quotient $\mathbb{Z}/p^n \mathbb{Z}$"?

Finite Abelian groups: $G \times H \cong G\times K$ then $H\cong K$