New posts in abbreviations

Are "ins", "hrs", "mins" and "secs" the technically correct plural abbreviations for "inches", "hours", "minutes" and "seconds"?

Use of "e.g." — are parentheses necessary?

How do you write an ellipsis following an abbreviation?

"'n'" as an abbreviation for "and" as in "rock 'n' roll"

Is the Latin abbreviation "f" (folio) commonly used in page ranges?

Which is correct Dr. or Dr? [duplicate]

Is it correct to write the telephone abbreviation as "Tel" when the number refers to a mobile phone?

Usage of the abbreviation resp. in scientific writing [closed]

What is the abbreviation for 'who are'

Is it colloquially acceptable to use ETA in place of "estimated time to completion"? [closed]

Why does XLAT mean 'translate'? [duplicate]

Use of superscript 'x'(?) as an abbreviation for 'yards'

Abbreviation of "Street"

What is the sign, used in documentation, that means illegible--in the same fashion as [sic]?

When should we use "US" "U.S."? [duplicate]

Why 'Mrs.' isn't read as 'mistress'?

Replacing the periods/dots with spaces in abbreviations

Prefixed words in English whose abbreviations skip the prefixes

Correct abbreviation of "engineer"

What does 'Ibid' mean in reference/footnotes?