New posts in 7-zip

How to do "legacy" ZIP compression with 7zip?

Is there a way of replacing the default 7-Zip icons?

List zip file's contents using 7zip command line with non-verbose machine-friendly output

How can I control the order of files in a ZIP archive?

NTFS alternate stream in compressed archive?

Does 7zip compression level affect decompression speed?

Remove particularly tricky items from context menu

Unzip .rar from command-line with 7-Zip

7-zip & Windows 7: Make "Extract to <folder>" default on double-click

7-Zip command line to extract a folder from an archive

How do I create seperate 7z files from each selected directory with 7zip command line?

Extract recursively using 7-Zip

7-Zip command line: Extract silently/quietly [duplicate]

Using a batch file to zip files as individual zip files

How to pass multiple files to zip in a single command using 7 zip?

Create 7-Zip SFX executable

How do I uncompress vmlinuz to vmlinux?

Compressing many similar large images?

7-Zip CMD: Add current date to archive and include only the last modified folder in archive

Download and extract archive using PowerShell