How to disable the Keyboard Layouts Choosing screen in Gnome? [duplicate]

On Ubuntu 17.10, When try to switch layouts by clicking Super + Space, I get the current window losing focus for a moment, which -usually- make the first letters I try to type missing.

The reason -as I think- is the popup screen appears with Layouts Choices, which get completely visible, if I continued holding the Super key after hitting the Space.

Example: The popup

So, Is there a way to disable that popup ?


Solution 1:

I don't know how to disable that feature, but there may be a workaround.

You can install gnome-tweak-tool and then search for and open Tweaks from the Activities overview. You'll find a GUI for setting an alternative shortcut for input source switching at Keyboard & Mouse -> Additional Layout Options -> Switching to another layout.

AFAIK, that window does not pop up when using such an alternative shortcut.