How to fill out the forms and save the inputs in this tax report pdf file

If you do not mind running wine you can try the free PDF-Xchange viewer from here;

This works great under wine, and you can use it to update metadata and annotate pdf documents as well. I downloaded the form and fill in some fields and was able to save it with this application.

Have you looked at / considered flpsed PDF annotator? It should be available in the software centre (universe repository?). (At least it is in 11.04).

It's pretty basic but will allow you to add text to a pdf file, useful for 'filling in' .pdf forms.

TIP: Import PDF file and then save as a .ps file until finished adding text. That way you should be able to re-edit any additional text you have entered. Then finally export as .pdf, if you wish, once all data has been added to your satisfaction.

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