Windows Media Player 12 thinks tracks from the same album are from seperate albums

I'm running Windows Media Player 12 on Windows 7 Home Premium.

I was listening to an Ian Brown album which I didn't have artwork for so I right clicked and selected "Update album details" and it proceeded to split the tracks up into 3 separate albums. Yet all 3 new albums still have the same album title.

Does anybody know how to fix this error to get all 12 tracks back into 1 album again?

This issue could, as njd says, be related to undisplayed characters. However I've found issues with conflicting album artists and album covers to cause things like this (particularly why I don't use WMP anymore).

To fix this is simple: just drag the album cover onto another to merge them. Any conflicting details will be fixed and they will appear under the same album.

enter image description here

The details update probably gave some (specific) detail about some of the tracks, but not the others. Probably something like "Year" or "Composer" that you wouldn't see on the file view. You need to edit (some of) the tracks so that WMP knows that they are from the same album.

Unfortunately, it seems that WMP has removed it's advanced tag editor in version 12. I can't find it anywhere at least. If jay's drag and drop method doesn't work (maybe that is for album name only), and if you can't find a built-in tag editor (or maybe a plug in?) then you'll need a third party option. I used Mediamonkey for this purpose and stuck with it as my main audio player. It has a very strong and easy to use tag editor, and an auto-tag feature which should avoid these WMP issues.