Can you force a single folder/file to sync with OneDrive?

Solution 1:

That's quite a moving target with the changes in the OneDrive itself, yet - what works for me is to restart it - this forces a sync op (YMMV though).

Two simple commands in cmd/batch file:

%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe /shutdown
start %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe /background

Solution 2:

Yes, but it's painful.
Assuming files/folders are uploaded on onedrive, go to the location where you wish to draw the synced files from. It's easier if you switch into list view, rather than icon/tile view. Select the files/folders you wish to use. click the download button. They will download into a zip file. Extract the zip file as appropriate.

Solution 3:

For a file that seems to persistently not sync ... I've had luck with renaming the file (append 1) and then naming back. This seems to make OneDrive notice a change to that specific file, and push it up the queue as a simple update. FWIW ~