How do you install & manage TextMate bundles?

Solution 1:

Depends on your skill level, you can either download the bundles, then drag and drop them into your Users>>Libary>Application Support>TextMate>Bundles folder, or you can use subversion in terminal like so

mkdir -p /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
cd /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
svn co

More info you can check out their detailed docs on the TextMate site

Solution 2:

TextMate 2 auto-updates all the default bundles for you! As a result, GetBundles is deprecated.

This is a massive improvement: adding bundles used to be a big barrier to non-Git-aware users - but no more :-)

Advanced hint: If you fork or make your own bundles, these can be maintained using a git client of your choice. Just edit and maintain as usual via git etc. The current location for installs is under the Avian folder, e.g.:

`~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Bundles/markdown.tmbundle`

I think this will change to "Textmate" once TM2 is released

`~/Library/Application\ Support/Textmate/Bundles/`