How can I change focus without firing up the throttle?

I can use tab to change between foci, e.g. if my focus is Kerbin and I hit tab, focus shifts to the Mun. However to go back without cycling through every celestial object requires pressing shift +tab, which fires the throttle, which alters my course. Is there any way around this?

I've found two potential solutions to this:

Minimize the Nav Ball - this prevents shift from activating the thrusters

Double-click to focus - If you can see an object, you can double click to focus on it.

Use right shift instead of left shift. Left shift is throttle; right shift is not bound in the game and can be used.

The navball is disabled in map view by default and you cannot alter throttle while it is disabled.

But don't forget that liquid fuel tanks and engines can be disabled manually using their context menus. Might come in handy for other situations.

Press the Backspace key while in Map mode.