17.10 Display Settings - Missing Apply Button

Just upgraded from 17.04 to 17.10 on a Dell laptop with a DisplayLink dock. I've reinstalled the latest 1.4 DisplayLink drivers - but I'm not sure this is a DisplayLink issue (Maybe it is). I'm also using the latest NVidia 384.90 driver.

When I make changes to my monitor scaling and position/order - I don't have get an Apply button. If I remove the laptops connection to the dock (and reboot) I do get the expected green Apply button in the top right hand corner after making changes.

Anyone have any idea where to start looking for a solution? I looks like there are people on the DisplayLink forums using 17.10 with the 1.4 driver - but again I'm not convinced this is a DisplayLink issue.

I tried logging back into a Unity session, but cannot make any changes to displays over there I get an error about not being able to read the monitor configuration.

First Screen Shot of Settings page

Second Screen Shot of Settings page

Whether or not it is the proper solution, I downloaded ARandr to modify Xrandr settings and was able to set up the proper display ordering and resolutions on my 2 external monitors outside of the gnome display settings.

I still have a bit of a scale issue, but I think that will be tolerable until I find a better way to set scale percentage.