Ubuntu 19.04 freezes after suspend

I am using the latest version of Ubuntu 19.04. kernel version is 5.0.0-13 generic. I am using it with dual boot alongside Windows. Whenever I suspend or close the lid of the laptop ,the laptop hangs and screen goes blank. The only way is to force shutdown the laptop. I have tried editing /etc/systemd/logind.conf and /etc/default/grub but nothing happens.

I have also tried to change boot menu from AHCI to IDE as was suggested in some posts.

The only difference after changing in /etc/default/grub was:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to nouveau.modeset=0

Is that the lock screen appears but still in freeze mode.

Solution 1:

Check that your swap partition is at least as big as your RAM. If it isn't your system might try to dump your memory state into a too small volume when suspending. This will lead to a crash. Defining a too small swap-space might have happened when you configured your dual-boot system.