Unable to add printer driver using Add-PrinterDriver on 2012 R2 Print Server

Alright, I figured it out. With the -Name parameter you need to specify a valid name for that driver, according to the available names in the .inf file. This is the name that shows up when you manually select a driver while installing a printer. So, for example, if you want to add a printer driver for a Canon printer:

# Add driver to Windows Driver Store
pnputil.exe /a C:\Path\To\driver.inf

# Find driver full path
Get-WindowsDriver -All -Online | Where-Object {$_.OriginalFileName -like '*driver.inf'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OriginalFileName -OutVariable infPath
# Make sure that driver.inf matches the original driver .inf file you supplied

# Get valid driver names from inf file
Get-Content -Path $infPath

# Near the top of the previous output, you should see a list of driver name to model name mappings that looks like this:
;64-bit x64
"Canon Generic Plus PS3" = GENERICPS,,1284_CID_CA_PS3_COLOR_OIP

# Based on the model on the right, since I know that is the model I have I will use that driver name:
Add-PrinterDriver -Name "Canon Generic Plus PS3" -InfPath $infPath

# You're done. Now you can run Get-PrinterDriver to be sure that it is available:

Name                    PrinterEnvironment MajorVersion Manufacturer
----                    ------------------ ------------ ------------
Canon Generic Plus PS3  Windows x64        3            Canon

# You can then begin to install your printers using your newly added printer driver:
Add-Printer -DriverName "Canon Generic Plus PS3" -Location "Customer Service Department" -Shared -ShareName "Canon IR-ADV in Customer Service" -Name "Canon IR-ADV in Customer Service" -Published -PortName "TCP_10.0.0.60"
# Be sure you have already configured a printer port for the printer using the Add-PrinterPort cmdlet, and use that in the above command