How to keep keyboard settings in the initial login screen? 17.04

I have set my keyboard to Dvorak system wide, but it isn't used for the login screen forcing me to use an on-screen keyboard.

I do have the keyboard settings menu where it should be, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

I had just solved a similiar issue with my screen settings being the wrong way by copying my user settings into the folder (sudo cp ~/.config/monitors.xml /var/lib/lightdm/.config/), can I do something similiar, but with the keyboard settings instead?


I suggest that you open /etc/default/keyboard for editing and change the line starting with XKBLAYOUT to:


and the line starting with XKBVARIANTto:


(I assume that there is currently something else.)

After next reboot, the Dvorak layout will hopefully be effective on the login screen.