Unable to install LanguageTool 2.5 extension for LibreOffice 4.2 on Ubuntu 14.04

I am not able to install LanguageTool extension for LibreOffice. Getting exception when I try to install it.

p.s. Somebody says that the solution is installing openoffice.org-java-common package but Ubuntu 14.04 does not have this package in its repository.

System details:

OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

LibreOffice: 4.2 (

LanguageTool: 2.5

Java: Oracle JDK 1.8.0_05

Exception message:

Exception message

  1. First of all, the most important:

    sudo apt-get installlibreoffice-java-commonjava-common

  2. Go to LibreOffice Options menu, choose Advanced and be sure Use Java runtime environment is checked and a Java version is selected.

  3. Now install your extension either by double-clicking on it in File Manager or by importing it in LibreOffice Extension Manager dialog.

I had this error with 12.04, turned out java just wasn't enabled in LibreOffice. Might sound silly, but worth a check.

Go to Tools-Options-Advanced. I had the checkbox selected for "Use a java runtime environment", but right under that is "Java runtime environments(JRE) already installed:", and inside that list I hadn't selected anything.

Checked the Oracle 1.7, restarted LibreOffice, installed LanguageTool, all was well.

Using Kubuntu 18.10 and Java 11, the following solution worked for me:

  1. Install the jaxb package: sudo apt install libjaxb-java

  2. Open LibreOffice, and go to Tools -> Options -> Advanced

  3. You should see the Oracle Corporation 11 JRE has been selected.

  4. Select the Oracle Corporation 11 JRE, and click on Class Path.

  5. Add /usr/share/java/jaxb-impl.jar

Restart LibreOffice, and the error should go away. I don't know what else is loaded, and haven't come across any other side effects yes.