Avecto Privilege Guard - How to run from command line?

OS: Windows 7 Enterprise

PG is run via right clicking Windows Explorer when an executable is selected and selcting the Privilege Guard menu item.

Is there anyway to wrap this into a script\batch file so I don't have to remember to do this for certain apps?

You can simple add avecto to the beginning of your call. For instance, if you want to run notepad.exe as avecto elevated, simply put the following in a .cmd file: avecto notepad.exe

Additionally, you can alter the shortcut properties by adding avecto as mentioned above.

Since avecto.bat is not available anymore you can use a general program requesting elevation like Johannes Passing Elevate.exe. Then just use elevate as you has used avecto, e.g.

elevate prog.exe


elevate -k script.cmd

As a nice side effect it works in arbitrary environments.

Duplicate of Programmatically execute a program using Avecto Privilege Guard?