How can I move all java source files to their respective package directory?
Solution 1:
#Loop through the java files
for f in *.java; do
# Get the package name (com.pkgX)
package=$(grep -m 1 -Po "(?<=^package )[^; ]*" "$f")
# Replace . with / and add src/ at the beginning
# Create the target folder
mkdir -p "$target_folder"
# move the file to the target folder
mv "$f" "$target_folder"
Solution 2:
Here's a Python version:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pathlib import Path
from javalang.parse import parse # $ pip install javalang
for java_src_path in Path().glob('*.java'):
tree = parse(java_src_path.read_text())
package_path = Path('src', *'.'))
package_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
java_src_path.replace(package_path /
It uses javalang
parser, to parse Java source code.
I was just interested how it may look like. The regex-based bash version from @RoVo's answer should be fine.