Monitoring internal Kubernetes certificates
Solution 1:
Based on the resources listed below, I'd say the best solution would be to update kops and its cluster to the recent version. It contains the new version of etcd-manager
, and its version >= 3.0.20200428 manages certificate lifecycle and will automatically request new certificates before expiration.
- Upgrade to kOps 1.15.3, 1.16.2, 1.17.0-beta.2, or 1.18.0-alpha.3. This is the recommended approach. Follow the normal steps when upgrading kOps and confirm the etcd-manager image will be updated based on the output of kops update cluster.
kops rolling-update cluster --instance-group-roles=Master --cloudonly
- Another solution is to override the etcd-manager image in the ClusterSpec. The image will be set in two places, one for each etcdCluster (main and events).
# Set `spec.etcdClusters[*].manager.image` to `kopeio/etcd-manager:3.0.20200428`
kops update cluster # confirm the image is being updated
kops update cluster --yes
kops rolling-update cluster --instance-group-roles=Master --force --cloudonly
- kops Documentation: etcd-manager Certificate Expiration
- kops Issue: etcd-manager certificate rotation #8959
- kops Pull Request: Update to etcd-manager 3.0.20200429 #9016