Is a full pacifist run possible?

I've beaten the game today with no enemies killed and not detected bonuses on each level except the last two. It looks like no matter what I do, I indirectly kill a few stalkers in two sections:

In one section pulling a lever to open a door you need to progress also activates dart traps behind two stalkers overlooking said lever, killing them.

In another, stalkers seem to blunder into a spike trap even if I don't interact with the trap, or the stalkers themselves, in any way.

Did I get something wrong, does this make a complete pacifist run of the game impossible, or do I simply have to go out of my way to save those stalkers?

I forgot to take the screenshots of the sections I mean, unfortunately, but I can try to come back to get them.

I don't remember the dart trap one, but I do remember the spike trap one: it's unavoidable, barring future patches to the stalker's AI. Even if you distract her, eventually she'll return to her usual patrol path and commit suicide.

Whether or not full pacifist is possible depends on how you're counting it. My memory is a bit hazy now, but it seems that the game either doesn't count stalker deaths, or doesn't count indirect deaths, so you'll still get the No Kills bonus.

It depends on what you define as full pacifist.

In those places, there will be deaths that you don't cause. It most likely can't be avoided. However, those deaths won't count in the end screen, against your score.

So it's possible to finish every level as a pacifist, from the game's "point of view". But it's not really possible to finish the game without anyone dying at all.