Is there a HARD counter to Riven?

I find that Riven can do at least decently in every lane if played properly, is there actually someone who can counter her reliably?

According to the Doombrew Riven guide on LoLPro, Renekton is the hardest champion for Riven, as he counters her ability to get in and out on small exchanges and can out-sustain her with Cull the Meek.

Link is as follows:

There are no champs who can really be considered a HARD counter to Riven. Some champs that do well against her are Olaf, Garen, Renekton, Teemo, Nidalee and Kennen. Jax and Irelia can do well after a certain level as well.

I'd recommend goldfather8's guide on to learn how to play or play against Riven. He goes into each matchup in detail, it'll help you understand how each champion can overcome Riven.

The main reason why there is no real hard counter to Riven is that she scales really well, has cc, has a shield for sustain, has damage from abilities and auto attacks (can't be hard countered by Teemo blind), and she has high mobility to escape bad situations.

Teemo - Why?

  1. He can kite ANYONE. If Riven tries to close the gap between you and her, you can outrun the hopping.
  2. Teemo bullies any melee champion top lane, and even more if they rely on autos for their damage.

Its really easy too, just poke her like Teemo does, and kite her when she attempts to fight you. Hope this helps ;)

Olaf, would be the hard counter if there was one, since once he hit level 6, He should never be killed by Riven at all. You just need to wait for riven to dash to harass you, and E her and walk away, till 6 when she dashes in, you can ult, when she stuns, and then hunt her down, since not factoring in flash, She has no way to stop you from killing her.