Can Eclipse Double In Sacred Stones?

Solution 1:

Looks like there's a bit that can be set on particular weapons that determines whether or not the code checks for doubling.

At 0x80290A6 we see cmp r0, #0x3 Where r0 is the return call from a branch function that fetches the “Weapon Effect” of a weapon. This routine basically determines if you can double, and This will return false if this flag is set.

08028560 - Byte of effect to check for when setting the menu display of attack to -- 08028F3E - Byte of effect to check for when setting MT = 1/2 enemy HP(rounded up) 080290A6 - Byte of effect to check for when not allowing doubling

While the damage is different between the 3 games (Eclipse reduces HP to 1 in FE6), the behavior is otherwise the same.

In short - it doesn't matter how high your AS is. Certain weapons are programmed never to double. Eclipse is one of them.